N-Word at the US Supreme Court

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The N-Word has landed at the Supreme Court of the United States. Collier v. Dallas County Hospital District [Briefs]. Petition for a writ of certiorari filed on January 15, 2021.

The N-Word was scratched into an elevator that the employees used, and it stayed there for months.

And the lower courts are saying well, this is not serious enough, not pervasive enough to alter the terms and conditions of the employee’s employment and create an abusive workplace. [5th Circuit decision]

I know the lower courts are split in terms of how they exactly handle the N-Word, but this case is just plain wrong. And I want the Court to take this case up.

This is a case where the jury ought to be deciding whether there's an abusive workplace.

It's interesting that once the cert petition was filed the employer filed a waiver saying — well, we don't need to file a response to this case. And the court has asked the employer to file a response. (Due March 18, 2021)

So I'm hoping they take this case up.

It's time to get the N-Word out of the workplace.